1) Two teeth came in (one on top and one on the bottom)
2) She said ma ma and da da for the first time
3) She started crawling
4) She got her first haircut
5) She has her first favorite song. The theme from the Office. Funny huh? But evertime it comes on she gets really excited.
I love all of these new things..so much fun, but I also feel like my baby is growing up to fast. She has started the "i'm going to get into everthing I'm not suppose to" phase. Which keeps us on our toes. She is such a sweet baby and really funny. She makes me laugh everday.
I realize that I only really talk about her when I post, but that's because she is the best and most exciting thing going on in our lives right now. An other exciting though is that Jon recently got approved for more hours at his job without having to work on Sundays. Yay! Every little bit helps around here and hopefully he will get a new position soon which will help financially and hopefully let him work closer to home. But until then we are just grateful to have jobs. Thanks babe for being such a hard worker! Olivia and I are so lucky to have you!
At the train park for a birthday party
First hair cut BEFORE
AFTER Thanks Kassi for doing both of our hair!
Oh ya an other big thing that happened at the end of the month was Olivia got a DOC band or helmet. Yep she is a helmet baby. At her four month check up the Dr noticed a flat spot on the right side of her head. She said it wasn't too bad but to keep our eye on it and to try and get her to turn her head more to the left when lying down. At her six month check up she still had the flat spot and the Dr suggested we get it checked out at a place called Cranial Technologies. After meeting with them and going over the pros and cons of getting her this band we decided to do it. It's only for 14weeks or less. Right now that seems like forever but in the long run it isn't. Plus there is a chance that is could get worse, cause jaw problems and or vision problems later on. So why risk that if we could fix the problem now with something as simple as a band for a few weeks. The doctors think this happened for two reasons: 1) she was a really good sleeper early on. She would sleep for 7-8 hours by 2 1/2 -3 months old. So laying on her back for so long when her head was so soft caused it. 2) she might have had a tight muscle which caused her to favor the right side.
I was really worried how she would handle having something on her head. I bought her TONS of cute headbands and flower clips before she was born but never got to use them because she doesn't like anything on her head. The night before her appointment I hardly slept at all worrying about how this would affect her. But I should have known that she would be just fine. She is so easy going why would this change that. So I am happy to say that she is still my happy baby and so far so good.
Right after the dr put the helmet on
She is so pretty!
About the helmet thing. Those are really in with babies so I bet she is faking it so that she can be trendy. j/k :)
She is so cute in her little helmet! I love her piggy tails :) I think it is hilarious she loves the office theme song, too cute. Glad Jon's work is going well. Where is he working?
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